About Us: Online Learning



優笙教育國際聯盟提供在家自學的國中及高中生透過互聯網學習介面修讀歐美國高中課程。我們整合網頁伺服器軟體與網路電話科技,自主開發互聯網線上學習系統。學生可在我們的學習介面環境中完成線上修課、課堂問卷、線上作業及考試。我們的課程主要是為母語為中文的學生所設計。有別於其他的學習平台,我們不用社交媒體(臉書,推特,IG等)為學習道具。為了不影響學生的專注力及學習成效,我們只用本機構所屬的網路電話伺服器。學生會員可透過我們免費的網路電話系統與老師及行政人員交流互動。如果您對全英語線上學習感到恐懼,歡迎加入我們在金門縣金城鎮及高雄市的在家自學中心共同學習。我們強力推薦以「混成學習」(Blended Learning)方式把網路和我們的在家自學中心(面對面的共學)結合來加強學習成效。台商子女可以透過小三通加入我們的金門學習社群。台灣本島學生可以與我們高雄市的自學社群聯繫。

Our Online Learning System

Eugenie Academia provides middle and high school homeschoolers a Web-based curriculum using a combination of Internet telephony and Web technologies. Our online learning system was designed primarily for the Chinese-speaking students who choose to participate the English-language home education courses. However, we also welcome members whose home language is English. We use digital tools to deliver new ways of learning, tutoring and counseling, allowing students to learn and build the knowledge anytime, virtually from anywhere. Our online lessons are student-paced and various types of learning activities like multimedia lessons, assessments and downloadable worksheets can be found in the Student Portal area. The easy access to online social media also exposes today's students more entertainment and distraction. We therefore choose not to deliver our online lessons using online social media resources. This means that we only use our own VoIP (voice-over-Internet-protocol) service to connect with parents, students and tutors. We set up our own Internet telephony server to improve the quality of service. Students connect with their assigned tutors by dialing into a virtual meeting room from their own Internet phone. The online virtual meeting rooms can hold dozens of participants simultaneously.

IP Phone 網路電話

Free of Social Media 不用社交媒體

Bilingual Interface 雙語學習介面

Copyright © Eugenie Academia 2018